Whether you are getting ready to send your invitations out, or have just started planning, deciding on an invitation design alone can feel overwhelming when there are so many options to choose from!
On top of that, you’ve got the decision about how to send out your invites, do you choose the traditional method and send your invitations in the post? Or do you choose another digital method?
We’ve broken down the most popular methods of inviting wedding guests and detailed the pros and cons of each so that you can make the right decision for yourself and your guests. So, whether you’re sending your initiations digitally, going traditional and sending them by mail, or a combination of them both, we’ve got the answers for you.

Sending out invitations in the post
Traditionally, invitations have always been sent by post with an RSVP for your guests to reply back and confirm their attendance, and sometimes even their menu choice and dietaries. There are many pros to this method some of which can’t be replicated or replaced in digital methods. However, this method can also carry a few cons which we have discussed below.
Printed paper invites are often the first thought for many couples. They provide something tangible for you and your loved ones to keep for years to come and the excitement of receiving a wedding invitation in the post can be a nice change from automated bank letters and the local restaurant menus. They also provide the warm feeling of knowing that your wedding invitation is in a prime position in your best friend’s kitchen, in the center of the fridge, or on the kitchen pinboard for all to see.
However, the cost of printing and sending invitations in the post tend to be the most expensive of the options when it comes to wedding invitations. There are several reasons for this:
Have you ever received a wedding or party invitation and upon opening thought wow, these feel luxurious and premium? Chances are that invitation was printed on high-quality paper which comes at an increased cost. In addition to the cost of the paper, you will also need to consider any additional costs for embossing, gold foil, or intricate hand-drawn details.
You will need to consider the rising cost of stamps. Not only will you require a stamp on each envelope that you send but you’ll also need to include a stamp for the respondent to send back their RSVP to you. Whether you choose first or second class stamps is up to you.
If you are choosing to send out printed invitations, you may wish to ask your guests to RSVP online to avoid having to chase the posted response. We’ve all had a letter that’s sat by the front door for weeks that you just keep forgetting to pop in the post.
Another point you may want to consider is how you're going to keep track of your replies, including who has responded, whether they are attending and anything else you may have asked for such as menus. You may choose to use a simple excel sheet to keep track of this.
This method may also be considered the least environmentally friendly of the options due to the paper, printing, and postage.

Websites are fast becoming the more popular option for couples looking for an alternative to paper invitations and we’ve detailed the main points to consider below if you’re considering a website as your method of wedding invitations.
Websites are a fantastic option if you’re looking for something more on the green side. They don’t produce any waste and are entirely digital. They’re accessible via mobile as well as tablet and computer so your guests can check up on details no matter where they are!
If you’re considering a website design but have no idea where to start, then don’t worry, there are some amazing companies out there who will design your site around you as a couple to produce the perfect website for you.
You don’t need to be a skilled website designer to choose this option. Websites such as Riley & Grey, The Knot and With Joy are all wedding experts that design and manage your website for you.
Riley & Grey focus solely on wedding websites is an expert in their field. They can manage everything from showcasing your story as a couple, through your website, to managing your RSVP’s and taking care of any other features you want to add to your site.
A website gives you the flexibility to change any small details along the way, and even the entire style if you choose to!
The creativity that can be achieved on a website can also be much greater than on paper at times. You have the option to add animation, pop-ups, and other quirky differences that make your website individual.
Choosing to invite guests through a website can also be a big cost-saver in comparison to sending
You can also keep your website open for years to come and turn it into a photo portal post-wedding for guests to upload and share any photos for the night!
Looking at the cons of a website design, we can’t say that there are loads! It’s a fast-growing option and we know why! There are, however, a few points you may want to consider.
A website doesn’t produce anything tangible for the family that may have wanted to keep your wedding invite as a keepsake. A solution to this could be to have a handful of initiations printed in the same design as your website for you to hand out to those who will cherish them for years to come.
There are likely to be a few people on your guest list that aren’t very tech-savvy and may find the idea of RSVPing on a website a little daunting and confusing. Make sure you consider how easy the website is to navigate and understand when you're designing it so that all your guests can get involved.
Another point to consider is that if you want to keep the website going after the wedding, you will likely need to pay a monthly fee for your site and a yearly renewal for your domain/s.

Digital invitation
Digital invitations are a fast-growing way to invite your guests is through digital invitations. This method is fast becoming a huge hit amongst couples. Digital invites have come a long way in the past few years and can offer more variety, creatively an option than you could imagine.
Digital invitations are taking the lead when it comes to wedding and party invitations. Websites such as Evite and Paperless Post offer an ever-growing library of templates to choose from which you can customise your invitation, just like if you were designing printed invitations.
They don’t just stop there though; digital invitations give you the option to add envelopes with a personal design and even a personalised stamp – just like receiving a real letter in the post!
Digital invites also allow you to add all those little details such as menu choices, lists of things to bring, polls, registry links, charity donations, and more. You can even add a little video to appear alongside your invitation of you and your partner inviting your guests to your wedding in front of the camera.
Digital invites can be sent via email or text through your chosen website builder so you don’t need to know everyone’s email address if you already have their number and can easily keep track of who you have invited. All these details can be managed through the site you’ve chosen for your invitations making the process of collecting RSVP’s much smoother and easier for both.
Just like with a website, there are always a few cons to technology, but most can be easily resolved. Not everyone is up to speed on technology so the idea of a digital invitation can be daunting and a bit confusing. Again, consider having special paper initiations printed for a handful of guests who you anticipate may find the process a little overwhelming.
These are the three most popular options when it comes to sending out your wedding invitations. Each method is unique to you and your partner, and sometimes the best option is a mixture of each!
If you’re unsure about how to invite your guests or are looking for some help managing the process then get in touch, we would love it help!